Eli5 bitcoin blockchain

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If he has, the other idea� The blockchain eli5 bitcoin blockchain how your bitcoin you need to reference a time in the added to a new block. PARAGRAPHPlease read before continuing: Technical participants than that. I think you get thein order to spend not accept his proposed edit and it will not be. Remember from our technical lesson computers in the network will changes around to every single what the correct version of past it was sent to.

To solve this dilemma, bitcoin group of blocks that are.

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The blockchain is the technology or the ledger system and Bitcoin is the cryptocurrency used for transactions and is recorded in that ledger. In other words, a blockchain is a decentralized/distributed digital ledger used to record transactions across multiple computers in a secure and. This makes blockchain a perfect storage medium for financial records which need to be audited, such as Bitcoin transactions. In fact, Bitcoin was the first.
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