Trust wallet scams

trust wallet scams

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New Trust Wallet Scam 2022
Fraudsters may trick you into importing a watch-only wallet into your Trust Wallet app, making it seem as though you have received funds. However, they deceive. One reason why scammers are using Trust Wallet is because it is a decentralized wallet, meaning that users have complete control over their. By knowing the word scammers are able to access your wallet and steal your crypto. What is Trust Wallet? Steps in Finding Missing Funds � Why your token.
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Beware of giveaway scams or schemes that ask you to send a bit of crypto in return for more crypto. Be wary of airdrops that require you to provide sensitive information like your private keys , secret phrase, or ask you to authorize access to your wallet. Remember to NEVER share your secret phrase seed phrase with anyone for any reason � even if they are promising you a big airdrop or anything else as you could become a victim of this common scam. Providing your personal details can result in your sensitive information being used for criminal activity and may have a severe negative impact on your business and its financial well-being.