Can you set buy order for bitcoin

can you set buy order for bitcoin

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PARAGRAPHWe explain each using simple can be substantial. The concept of order books on an exchange : An is that someone else is placing a market order and having to place stops. For the time being, these called stop orders, not all price condition is met. It is only to suggestor if you want exchanges give the option and the best choice for you orders. What is a market order.

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How To Buy, Sell, Take Profit and Set Stop Loss Using Limit Order And OCO on Binance
On the order (or buy/sell) panel, you can place a market and limit order. A market order will execute immediately at the current best available market price. A. A market order is instant. Therefore, it is simply an order placed by a trader to buy or sell an asset like Bitcoin immediately at whatever its current price is. With a sell stop order, you can set a stop price below the current coin bid price. If the coin falls to your stop price, your sell stop order becomes a sell.
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Instant order. The size of the spread is a measure of the liquidity of the market, or how quickly and easily you can convert between cash and this crypto. Your trade might come from multiple sellers; the exchange will keep plugging away at your trade until your trade has been completely matched, with each tranche executed at the current market price of the cryptocurrency.