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Which Countries are best for Residency and Citizenship for Crypto People? Blockchain Interviews
Buying citizenship with cryptocurrencies: myths and facts. It is impossible to obtain citizenship of another country by directly investing in cryptocurrencies. The concept of attaining residency by investment involving cryptocurrencies is not entirely new. Vanuatu claims to be the first country to. The Palau digital residency website says the card can be used for identity verification in a variety of businesses across the world, from bars.
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Having a second passport as a US citizen is a way to have a call option. But, if you are looking to take your cryptos and have them on the exchange, turn them into other kinds of wealth, buy real estate, and facilitate other investments, governments are stepping up enforcement on taxes. Inline Feedbacks. Another factor that is influenced by uncertainty is the simple question of liquidity. Be eligible for citizenship in a short period of time.